
Day 4

-Sun Salutations (3x)

-Walk Hands to Plank (3x)

-Downward Dog with Leg Shift (30sec)

-Downward Dog to Pulsing Low Lunge (Complete 3, 3 pulses each leg)

-Plank (30sec)

-Cat Cow (10)

-Donkey Kick to Fire Hydrant (10 each leg)

-Pigeon Pose (20sec each leg)

-Laying Quad Stretch (20sec each leg) (modify by not laying all the way back)

-Boat Pose (30sec)

-Seated Forward Fold(20sec)

-Upward Dog (10sec) Side plank with arm over head (10sec) switch sides, (Repeat flow 3x)

-Puppy Pose: Forward arms (10sec), right arm under(10sec), left arm under (10sec)

-Childs Pose (30sec)


Day 3